Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Add to current readng list: Faust by Goethe. I was warned that it would be difficult reading...don't know why. If you can make sense of a King James Bible, even Shakespeare isn't hard. Actually...I never did suceed in making sense of the bible. But I suppose that's another subject.

It's Christmas Eve, and I was feeling kind of down about that. I hate Xmas. It's just a big, phony display of sentiments and materialism. Even so, other than a card from my mom, and a box from my Filipino Grandma (she sent me ramen noodles for the New Year- long noodles are lucky and portend a long life- heh), I haven't heard a peep from any of my family. Oh, wait. There was a form letter from my sister that informed me of how fortunate I was to receive it. (I love my sis, but this is a bit much!!) My dad emailed me about a month ago with a one sentence question. I could call him, but really, what would be the point? I mean, I've got this huge family, and I don't even feel close to any of them. I don't care about presents. I'd just like to be more connected than I am.

And then, when I look at myself through their eyes, I can see why. They're all middle class, professional white collar people and here I am, the loser. I never seem to follow through on most of the great ideas I come up with, because they're so much more interesting to think about than to *do*. Once you start *doing* them, the parameters become more fixed. When it's all in your head, it's still plastic and flexible. I suppose this accounts for part of why I've hung on to the goats although it'd make more sense to have just 3 or 4 of them. The breeding program is one of the few things that I've stuck out and actually *done*. I can always point to them and feel that I'm not a total loser.

So enough of all that. Something lighthearted from The Book of Lists #2:

11 Physical attributes men imagine women admire most about them out of 100%

  1. Muscular chest and shoulders---21%
  2. Muscular arms------------------18%
  3. Penis---------------------------15%
  4. Tallness------------------------13%
  5. Flat Stomach--------------------9%
  6. Slimness-------------------------7%
  7. Hair (texture, not length)--------4%
  8. Buttocks-------------------------4%
  9. Eyes-----------------------------4%
  10. Long Legs-----------------------3%
  11. Neck-----------------------------2%

11 Physical attributes women really admire most about men---out of 100%

  1. Buttocks(usually described by women as "small and sexy")---39%
  2. Slimness-----------------------------------------------------15%
  3. Flat Stomach-------------------------------------------------13%
  4. Eyes----------------------------------------------------------11%
  5. Long legs------------------------------------------------------6%
  6. Tallness--------------------------------------------------------5%
  7. Hair------------------------------------------------------------5%
  8. Neck-----------------------------------------------------------3%
  9. Penis-----------------------------------------------------------2%
  10. Muscular Chest and Shoulders----------------------------------1%
  11. Muscular Arms--------------------------------------------------0%

You know, I'm beginning to wonder about these lists. The attributes are the same for both of them. Were there no other options? Like eyebrows, for instance. Can't imagine a nice looking guy without strong or expressive eyebrows. I think eyes would be pretty close to the top of my list. But neck? Lips, yes. Ears, even. But neck? I mean, if I love a guy I guess I'll find a reason to love just about every physical attribute he has, including his neck. But I wouldn't put it on a list. And very muscular chests scare me, but a nice angular muscularity is nice. But really, none of it is even half as important as a good mind. Eh...what a silly survey......

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