Sunday, July 06, 2003

The following letter appeared in the local newspaper. I have retained the misspellings...

Their out!
The bicyclists are back and thy are in very long lines!
Recently, I had to drive my recreational vehicle (RV) to Sagle for repair work. I decided to drive Dufort Road, south of the river at Stimson Mill.
RV's are wider than most sport untility vehicles (SUV) and autos; therefore, a driver needs to pay closer attention to driving especially when on a narrow windy road. In my opinion, Dufort Road us narow and windy, so the 45 per hour speed limit is there for good reason.
As I was rounding a curve with a double yellow line, I came to a group of bicyclists. To top it all off, there was a hill I had to travel up as well. I slowed down to what seemd like a crawl and noticed a car in my mirror.
The driver sounded the horn, which I assume was aimed at me for slowing down so quickly. I also had to cross the double yellow line to avoid hitting the bikes.
The bicyclists would not get over or off the oradto let us pass (yes, I was cursing loudly)! If a car would have been coming, or a truck, I would have had to get back in my land and probably would have hit a biker.
Hey, I'm not condemning bikers, but am asking them to please use their heads when navigating a route, especially on narrow roads, if for nothing else, for their own safety.
Maybe even getting off their bikes and steppign off the road to allow vehicles to pass. This might prevent serious injury or death.
I wonder who would have been at fault if a biker was hit in a situation similar to what I described.
I think the Sheriff's Department should take a good look at Dufort Road and maybe post signs to prevent bicyclists from riding that route for everybody's safety.
Hope this letter stirs some thought.
Les Wylie, Priest River

What an a**hole! This jerk was willing to hit people rather than slow down and take his time. I was seething (having encountered his sort before while cycling). Here is my reply.

A bicyclist responds

The letter from Les Wylie regarding bicyclists caught my eye. It shows a frightening ignorance of the Idaho Dept. of Transportation laws, which can be readily accessed in the driver's manual. As one who has relied heavily upon bicycles for transportation, sometimes hauling my children in a bicycle trailer, I am well aware both of the regulations and the fact that many drivers seem to be unaware of the law. In Idaho, pedestrians and bicyclists have the right of way. They do not have to get out of your way, or dismount to make room for you. The law states, "To increase the safety margin when passing a bicycle rider, move into the left lane if possible. If you are not able to chnage lanes, pass with as much clearance as possible. This may require waiting for a break in oncoming traffic if the shoulder of the roadway are narrow." (italics mine)

Regardless of the size of your vehicle, the inconvenience of considering the bicyclist's safety, or the urgency of getting wherever you are going a few minutes faster, you must observe the rules of the road! In today's fast paced life and culture of instant gratification there is a tendency to get there NOW and if someone else dies because of it, too bad! Mr. Wylie writes: " I wonder who would be at fault if a biker was hit in a situation similar to what I described." The driver would be at fault, and possibly subject to charges of manslaughter, particularly if there were witnesses. Most of the time, there aren't. I've had some very close calls. I think the sheriff's department should have a few plainclothes policemen riding bikes. Oh, the tickets they would rake in!!

Rebekah Leaf

Priest River

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