Saturday, December 01, 2012

These people have Icelandic Leadersheep as well and Leicester Longwools...another breed I had seriously considered. I am still ambivalent about the practice of tail docking; Scandinavian short-tailed breeds don't need to be docked, so this is a non-issue with them. Icelandics are one of the short tailed breeds whereas the Leicesters have to be docked or you have to deal somehow with the dilemma of a long tail and the additional problems caused by that. Also, I love that Icelandics are bred for intelligence, have a fleece that's great for felting as well as many other applications, are hardy, parasite resistant, and can be milked with some success. As well, the lambs have a very mild flavored meat and can be grown out of pasture alone. That's the kind of animal I want. :-)

At any rate, pretty sure I'll be buying from that herd if when I get sheep. They're clearly dedicated to the quality of their lines, use A.I. and have brought imported blood from Iceland. Wait.....I didn't do my scrapie/OPP research....but assuming that panned out well, yeah, that's who I'd like to buy from!

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