Monday, February 02, 2004

Thinking about- the paradox of blue jeans. Visually, tight jeans are appealing and somewhat erotic, no? Don't the advertisements depict women with shirts unbuttoned, red lips slightly parted, and a pair of jeans so tight they look glued-on? Close-fitting jeans have a very sexy image. This is odd, because they're made of such stiff, thick, tough material. Tight jeans cramp and pinch sensitive places. They're hard to remove. They have all the softness and tactile sensuality of a coat of armor. They weren't intended, originally, to be tempting. They were utilitarian dungarees for gold miners that'd last and wear like rawhide. Strangely enough, they still feel that way even in their chic, tempting, mutation.

They should make them of something thinner or softer, easier on the body and more sensuous to the touch, like silk, or a thin, fine chenille. Yeah.

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