Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Art critic and fellow artist likes my fish (the one on display at Kokanee Coffee) and wants to know how many more I have! :-D

When I told him that the main obstacle to producing more is the lack of affordable firing space, he and another artist mentioned a guy around here who has a huge kiln that he used to let people fire stuff in.....That sounds promising. Apparently the man still has the kiln but they don't know if he is still renting out kiln space. If I could fire the fish, I could start making them again. Even on a part time basis, I could probably make one every other day at least and still have new ideas. This is so encouraging...between the lack of cash, transportation issues and work schedule, I had pretty much given up on the pottery class at college, where I could fire as much stuff as I can produce. Finding an available and local kiln would make all the difference in the world.

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