Wednesday, February 25, 2004

I just saw the movie Cold Mountain. It left me feeling as though a file had rasped across my soul, raw and sore. I'd read the book so there weren't many surprises; though I love the portrayal of Ruby, the best actor in the film, IMHO. It wasn't what I needed to see, to be honest. I had a really great day and now I feel depressed and empty inside again.

::sigh::...OK- trying to recapture the great part of the day: I went to another job interview and I'm 99% certain that I got it. I have to take a drug test first, which of course I'll pass. Child care issues still need to be resolved but it looks as though it could very well develop into a long term, reliable, good paying source of income. Oh! The important part of it: the job is caring for and working with handicapped and developmentally disabled children and adults. See, putting in time and getting paid for it just isn't enough in my book. Call me particular, but I like to feel as though what I'm doing *counts* for something, and this really does. I'll be happier doing this than I'd be if I were getting paid $1000 an hour to stare at a spot on the wall for 8 hours a day. There are all sorts of good things about this job. Once I can relax about the child care issues, I'll be tickled pink

I scouted out the thrift stores in Sdpt, but they were picked over and overpriced. Stupid trite romance novels abound, UGH! If ever a book were banned, they should ban cheap, trashy, idiotic books of that genre. Isn't it hard enough to forge a worthwhile relationship without filling one's head full of cotton candy foolishness?? Horror stories turn me off too: as if I couldn't dream up enough awful gory things, as if there weren't enough war and blood and gore and pain in real life, I need to read someone's fantasy of it? Thanks but no. Biographies- these can be interesting; but it occurred to me today that one person's account of life can be entirely different from that of another party living through the same experiences. The Poisonwood Bible comes to mind. In a way, an autobiography can be almost another form of fiction. I think it's safe to say that I like for whatever I read to make me *think* or to offer another perspective to consider. Anyway, long story short, I have only one Douglas Adams book to show for about an hour of scouting. I did find one I'd wanted- the Kama Sutra, but it was too expensive, about $18, ouch!! At that price, I can scout around on Ebay or wait until it surfaces for a lower price somewhere else. The bright side is that I did find a place where I can trade in the books I don't sell on Ebay for other books that I want, or one tenth of the list price if I want cash.

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