- Chamoisee
- I have Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism. However, this isn't an autism blog; I'm tired and bored with people who think they know more about developmental stuff than the guys who diagnosed me. No, it's just a blog full of seemingly aimless and random musing and kvetching and with some luck, a window into the inner workings of an aspie woman's mind.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Sigh. Some "expert" gardener from Wisconsin is insisting that earthworms in Idaho will eat onion sets and vegetable starts and pull them down into stockpiles of such things. He is advocating annihilation of said earthworms. Never mind that he doesn't live here, that I do, and that I have seen the critters that do uproot or carry away seedlings and yes, entire plants (birds, voles, pocket gophers). Nooooo, it is earthworms. He is the expert. Killlll the earthworms! Whatfuckingever. It pisses me off, but I am not going to continue arguing with an armchair expert on gardening in an area he probably has never even been to. (throwing hands up in exasperation and disgust)
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