Wednesday, March 03, 2004

The job is going better. I'm still a little inept and stumble my way through things, but I'm getting more familar with the routine and don't hide from the customers anymore. Believe it or not, I did have a purpose in mind with this job- that it would help me (force me) to get used to interacting with people. I'll probably still prefer to spend time only with a select few, but at least I'll be *able* to cope with other, including strangers, when I need to. Anyway- the other employess and staff are going out of their way to be nice to me, and I'm feeling a bit more positive about it now.

Books- Nietzsche, On the genealogy of Morals and Small Wonder by Barbara Kingsolver. Just started both of them. The former is taking me a while to get immersed in, but some of his ideas seem vaild and ring true. I love just about anything written by Barbara Kingsolver. There's a painitng I want to work on, so I'm signing off now.

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