Sunday, February 05, 2012

Cleaning is a good way to work off frustration, irritation, etc and unlike drinking, screaming, or blogging nastiness, it has a predictably positive outcome. Not that I am going to let the confidentiality breach slide, but acting in anger isn't wise. Nobody is dying or bleeding here, so there's time to think about it.

I now have a spinning wheel to use. It has been graciously lent to me to try out for a while, to make sure that this is the right wheel for me. It's a Louet Victoria. A louet is what I wanted, but I never dreamed I'd find one of these. I thought I might get an S15 or if I were very lucky, an S10. This model is very, very nice. It weighs only 8 lbs and folds up for easy portability, and the carrying bag even has backpack straps! Yes: I could conceivably pack a snack and some water, put this baby on my back and go for a hike, and then sit and spin wool in complete solitude, surrounded by nature and the views. :-) (Hopefully it wouldn't rain!)

But the real treat was meeting the lady who buys and sells these wheels. She is so interesting, intelligent and talented!

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