Also it would allow me time in the day to go hiking with the dogs before I did today. I saw three garter snakes on the trail in the space of an hour! I don't wish them any harm but seeing them always scares me. Maybe I'm afraid of inadvertently stepping on one and having it try to bite me. :-/ If I get an earlier start, before the rocks are warm, there won't be so many of them sunning themselves.
- Chamoisee
- I have Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism. However, this isn't an autism blog; I'm tired and bored with people who think they know more about developmental stuff than the guys who diagnosed me. No, it's just a blog full of seemingly aimless and random musing and kvetching and with some luck, a window into the inner workings of an aspie woman's mind.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
My manager's been changing my hours around like crazy, and in my typical aspiness, this drove me nuts, mostly because it was change. I have been bitching and griping about it for the past week and a half. However...I realized tonight that I much prefer the shift she has switched me to. It is calmer, quieter, has much less exposure to the guy who is triggering rage, and there are very few co-workers around on this shift. I know about closing already from my prior job; it's essentially the same thing with different details. I think that if only I could get her to reduce the days per week that I'd be working, so as to have one day per week free for appts, etc, I will actually prefer this shift greatly to the one that I had.
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